Have you ever wondered what it's like to live in 425 square feet? Then, come check out my NYC apartment tour!
NYC Apartment Tour
As I prepare to move to Dallas, I thought it would be fun to share a tour of my New York apartment!
I've really loved living here. Even though it's tiny, it's a good size for an NYC apartment (that doesn't cost a bajillion $$$). Just Google NYC apartment tour to see what I mean!
I'm definitely going to miss this place. We live in a great neighborhood on the Upper West Side, a block and a half from Central Park and the nearest subway lines. It's hard to beat the location and convenience.
These pics are a mix of new shots and photos from previous posts, but this is how it looks (or did look before I started packing). Without further ado ... my NYC apartment tour!
Having an entry is truly a luxury in a New York apartment.
It gives us a spot to get organized before coming and going and makes our home feel much larger.
Plus, we have a double closet in our entry!
These pics are a little older, but the entry hasn't changed much.
The one exception is that rug, which you'll see below is currently in my living room. I have a gray rug here now that used to be in my bedroom.
Every inch of that closet has been put to good use. My husband Joel's clothes are on the left, and the rest of the closet is filled with everything from makeup to games to craft supplies.
You can read about the makeover I gave this hall closet here, plus get my tips and tricks for organizing a small closet here.
On the wall opposite the apartment door, I've hung a few masks (we have a small collection).
The living room is to the left of this wall, and the bedroom is through that door to the right.
You can see more pics from my entry, plus read about that gallery wall in my entry tour here.
My bathroom is very small and unexciting, and I haven't done a lot with the space. Due to the size, it's also almost impossible to photograph.
If you'd like to see a few more pics, check out my bathroom mini-makeover post. Spoiler alert: I never completed the makeover!
Living Room
The high ceilings in the living room and bedroom are one of my favorite things about my NYC apartment. It makes these small rooms feel airy and spacious.
As you can see above, the living room has a large, beautiful arched window. It's kind of a blessing and a curse: the window adds character and lets in lots of light, but it was hard to cover (without spending a fortune), and it gets super hot in this room anytime the temp rises about 65.
If you want to see where this room started, make sure to check out my post about decorating a Tiny NYC living room. I shared my decorating plan, which I mostly stuck to, plus photos of the room without any furniture.
Check out this peek into my living room, too, to see pictures from the first year I lived here ... I've definitely made some changes since then!
That orange rug used to be in my entry, but I needed something to replace the original rug. This one's way too small, but the other one was gross. Let's just say you should never use a cotton rug in a high traffic area ... lesson learned!
The living room is the biggest room in my apartment, but it needed to be multi-functional (see my tiny office area near the window), so we got a small love seat to save space.
My husband found that vintage painting when his office moved (check out how I gave the frame a makeover), and I love how it looks hanging here.
I've had these lamps since we lived in San Francisco, and I love them. I added the DIY suede tassels and gold finials for extra character.
By the way, those acrylic side tables are a lifesaver in a tiny space. They're perfect for holding a drink and a few books, but they take up very little visual space.
My coffee table normally looks like this, although some of these items are currently hanging out on a bookcase you'll see soon.
I gave that thrift store ceramic bird a spray paint makeover, and I made that faux inlay box.
We also have another cozy chair in the living room.
This blue chair is where my husband usually sits. We tend to fight over that love seat, and he is sweet to let me sit there!
I love traveling, and I enjoy decorating with fun items I've gathered on my trips and items like the globe below.
You can read more of my tips for decorating with travel souvenirs here.
The area to the right of that chair is filled with books, photos, and my camera collection.
I love this fun little nook!
The picture above is a little older, but it gives a good idea of the rooms layout.
The space looks like the photo below now. I'd have loved to show you a wider shot of the space, but it's filled with boxes. I had to be very strategic with how I shot these pics ... ha!
Learn how to make those canvas mounted Instagram photos hanging on the brick wall ... one of my favorite projects from the past year!
We needed extra space to store our books, and there wasn't enough room for an extra bookcase.
My husband stacked the books on top of our giant radiator, and I loved how it turned out!
I added a couple framed photos, plus my DIY Arrow Marquee Light and a Vintage Number Sign with our wedding date.
Next to all those books is our fireplace, also a favorite feature (along with the brick wall) of our apartment.
This is an older picture, but it still looks like this with the exception of the plant. I killed that poor guy many months ago!
This fireplace has gone through a number of changes. Check out my fireplace makeover post to see how it look before.
To the right of the fireplace is a tall bookcase that holds my cookbooks and photo albums.
It fits perfectly between the kitchen and living room.
I really should have styled these shelves before snapping this picture ... oops! #HowItReallyLooks
We're coming full circle now!
We have our TV on the wall opposite the window. It's placed on a narrow console with a big chest underneath for extra storage.
I came back from vacation a while back, and my husband had hung a gallery wall around the TV ... surprise!
It was quite wonky, so I gave it a makeover. You can check out lots of pictures from that gallery wall revamp here. If you've ever wanted to hang your own gallery wall, be sure to check out my tips and tricks, too!
You can see from this view that the entry and bathroom (another little peek) are on the left and the kitchen is to the right. We're headed there next!
My NYC apartment tour continues in the kitchen!
This space is small, but as far as New York kitchen go, I'm not complaining. For one thing, it's actually a separate room and not a wall in the living room. It is quite narrow though.
You can see tons of photos of this room, plus check out all my tips for making the most of a small kitchen here.
My tiny stove is next to that cutting board. I can't get a good shot of the whole room without a very wide angle lens.
On the opposite wall is a small ledge that's perfect for eating. It holds a few essentials, like my toaster and coffee maker, and it provides much needed extra counter space.
Psst ... grab that free On Cloud Wine Printable here!
My favorite feature of this room is the DIY Removable Wallpaper!
It's so fun and funky and was an easy update to the space. I'll be sad to take it down soon.
Do you have a tiny kitchen, too? You can check out all my tips for organizing a small kitchen here.
We've reached the last room in my NYC apartment tour ... the bedroom!
My bedroom is long and very narrow. The first thing you see when entering the room is my dresser that's topped with all of my jewelry.
I gave that shell to my husband so he didn't feel left out ... ha. The headboard of my bed is right behind the dresser.
You can check out how I organized my jewelry here, plus see all of my favorite organizers for jewelry and accessories here.
Like my living room, my bedroom has gone through a few changes.
Here's what it looked like the first year I lived here. That post also has a floor plan which give you a good idea how small this space truly is!
That arched window from the living room continues into the bedroom. I love it, but this room is bright, even with the blinds. That's is my view when I'm lying in bed above!
And here's the view looking toward the door below ... I told you this room was narrow!
My side of the bed is up against the wall. It was the best way to maximize the space in this room. I will be so happy to have to my own bedside in my next apartment!
I added those pillows and hung a fun arrow marquee light and some other art on the wall near the foot of the bed as part of my colorful industrial bedroom makeover.
These pieces are all favorites ... check out how they look in my new Dallas loft apartment here.
Behind that white door you may have noticed a couple photos above is my closet.
It is long and narrow ... here's a peek into it!
The closet is packed tight, but it's very functional.
You can check out the bedroom closet makeover I did while back, which has lots of tips for working with a small space!
That's it! I hope you've enjoyed my NYC apartment tour! It has been so fun to look through all my old posts and see how the apartment has changed in the three years I've lived here!
Do you think you could live in such a tiny apartment?
Such a fun post! Thanks for sharing! I can't wait to see your new place in Dallas!!
I loved seeing your apartment and how you maximized the space that you have. I'm sending this to my friend who is moving into a 435 square foot apartment on April 1.
I love that I got a peak inside NYC living. Your apartment is gorgeous and every inch is put to good use. Good luck with your move. Can't wait to see where you wind up in Dallas!
I really enjoyed this post! I am very curious as to how people live in small places like this, and I love NYC! My daughter wants to move there after college to work in the fashion industry. So this post was very interesting for me, thanks for sharing!
Wish we would have made it to visit before your move! Good luck in Dallas!
Thanks, Sarah! You'll have to visit us in Dallas!
My first apartment in NYC was 400 Sq ft that I shared with a roommate. She had a gigantic platform bed in the living room - it was atrocious! But, I loved it. Your apartment is so cozy, Ginnie. Just love the brick wall and the tall windows. It's got so much character! Can't wait to see your new place in Dallas!